Topic:The Interaction of Mobile Phones with the Human Body
Time:13:30-14:30, September 3, 2019
Venue:Room 111, Lab Building, School of International Education
Lecturer:Professor Will Whittow (Loughborough University, UK)
About the lecturer:
Dr Will Whittow is an Associate Professor in Radio Frequency Materials and Electronic Materials Integration in the Centre for Wireless Communications Group (WiCR). His current research interests include: 3D-printing; antennas; artificial dielectrics; dielectric property measurements; embroidered antennas; energy harvesting; heterogeneous substrates; implanted antennas; inkjet printing; metamaterials; metasurfaces; RFID tags; specific absorption rates (SAR); and wearable antennas. He is an Associate Editor for Electronics Letters. He was previously the Coordinating Chair of Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (2007-2011).