Topic:Optimal Pricing Strategies for Trading Platforms
Time:14:00-15:00 pm, 5 December, 2018
Venue:Room 118, Lab Building, School of International Education
Lecturer:Dr Luis Vasconcelos (University of Essex, UK)
About the lecturer:
Dr Luis Vasconcelos is a Senior Lecturer of Economics at the University of Essex. At the Essex he also has been Director of the PhD programme in Economics, Director of Research Training and Deputy to the Dean of Postgraduate Research and Education.
Luis holds a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University in the US and a Licenciatura in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. His main areas of research are Contract Theory, Organizational Theory and Industrial Economics. His research has been published in leading international journals in his fields of research such as the Rand Journal of Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, American Economic Journal, Review of Finance, and the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, among others.
Luis has taught courses at the Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral levels. The topics taught range from advance Microeconomic Theory to more applied topics such as Corporate Strategy.