英国拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)是英国百年名校和顶尖高等学府之一,以卓越的教学科研实力、与企业和行业的紧密联系以及无与伦比的体育成就闻名。7次获得英国大学最高荣誉奖——英国女王年度奖,获奖次数仅次于牛津大学。2023泰晤士报大学排名全英第11位。拉夫堡大学秉承与工商企业长期紧密合作的传统,提供世界一流水平、以社会需求为导向的尖端科研和教学课程。作为2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会会场,拥有一流水准的运动和休闲设施。
Founded in 1909, Loughborough University is one of the UK’s leading universities, with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research, strong links with business and industry and unrivalled sporting achievement. It has been awarded 7 Queen’s Anniversary Prizes, second only to Oxford. It is ranked Top 11 Best Universities in the UK in the Times 2023. Loughborough University is well-known for the breadth of research partnerships and long-standing collaborative links with various business organizations, offering world-class cutting-edge research and teaching programs driven by society’s need for solutions to real-life issues. As one venue of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games, the university owns high quality sports and leisure facilities.