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2019年03月18日 11:05      浏览:

Topic:A taste of Computer Vision and Intro of Advanced Intelligence
Time:14:30-15:30, 19 March, 2019                        
Venue:Room 207, Lab Building, School of International Education
Lecturer:Dr Jianguo Zhang (University of Dundee, UK)

About the lecturer:
  Dr Jianguo Zhang is a Reader and the Head of Internationalization in Computing, School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee. Previously, he worked a Senior Lecturer with School of Computing, at University of Dundee, UK (2010-2015), a Lecturer with Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Queen’s University Belfast, UK (2007-2010). He received DPhil in National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2002. He has published widely in top journal and conferences, including IEEE TPAMI, IJCV, MIA, IEEE TMI, NeuroImage, IEEE TIP, IEEE CSVT, CVPR, ECCV, MICCAI, ICCV, etc. His work has been supported by EPSRC, CSO, Invest Northern Ireland, etc. He has a very strong record of winning international research challenges in top venues spanning from natural to medical image analysis, for example PASCAL VOC contest (2005-2006), MICCAI17 brain WMH challenges etc. His research has received more than 5200 citations. His first author most-cited paper has received more than 2250 citations. He was the receipt of the NSFC Overseas and HK-Macau Collaborations Fund for outstanding overseas scholars in 2017.




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